Sooo time for a new post!!!
I'm soo sick.. My neck is burning, my nose is red from this typical every-mintue-handkerchief-using and my head gives me the rest.. Somehow this reminds me on Frisky's blog *gg* Maybe it's a SG-Virus coming trough the internet..
My test was okay, I hope it's enough for a positive result.. That would be enough for me for the first University-test.. Now I have to write my first assignement for Cultural and Regional Studies and the "rules" are soo crazy. I'm not allowed to use the same word again in the following three lines, I'm not allowed to write: didn't oder doesn't; I have to write: did not and does not.. And so on..
Last week in Cultural and Regional Studies we talked about stereotypes and our teacher showed us a pic of the actual, "new" barbie and I have to say that I was really, really shocked..
They tested their measure and came to the result that this is a such an unrealistic image of a woman and nobody would be able to live with such a body.. And such a body function as a model for our children..
And now how it is:
I'm soo sick.. My neck is burning, my nose is red from this typical every-mintue-handkerchief-using and my head gives me the rest.. Somehow this reminds me on Frisky's blog *gg* Maybe it's a SG-Virus coming trough the internet..
My test was okay, I hope it's enough for a positive result.. That would be enough for me for the first University-test.. Now I have to write my first assignement for Cultural and Regional Studies and the "rules" are soo crazy. I'm not allowed to use the same word again in the following three lines, I'm not allowed to write: didn't oder doesn't; I have to write: did not and does not.. And so on..
Last week in Cultural and Regional Studies we talked about stereotypes and our teacher showed us a pic of the actual, "new" barbie and I have to say that I was really, really shocked..

They tested their measure and came to the result that this is a such an unrealistic image of a woman and nobody would be able to live with such a body.. And such a body function as a model for our children..
And now how it is:

also ich hab hmm.. morgen glaub ich bissi zeit .. da is ja auch mai fest... am mittwoch muss ich bissi was machen aber da htte ich eigentlich auch noch zeit und daaaann muss ich do. und fr. arbeiten.
also wann hast du lust.. oder magst erst nchste woche?