I had the impression I have to update my photos..
So here I am: I'm the little sister of snowwhite, I wasn't hungry and she ate the apple...

And here are our cats, finally together.. So what do you think? Are they perfect or are they perfect?

Heaven loves my chair...

I had the impression I have to update my photos..
So here I am: I'm the little sister of snowwhite, I wasn't hungry and she ate the apple...

And here are our cats, finally together.. So what do you think? Are they perfect or are they perfect?

Heaven loves my chair...

And also, you do look like Snow White
hmpf.. war aber eh die ganze zeit am herumlaufen.. (ausser in der pause)
madonna is echt nicht toll gelle?! na ich bin froh wenn der ganze spuk vorbei is.
heisse tanja... also falls du mich mal suchst und weisst dass ich dort bin kannst mich einfach ausrufen lassen oder du schaust einfach mal in die logg abteilung da bin ich meistens oder in der nhe.