I think I have to update my journal, not really because there's something to say except:
I'm totally in love with the make up from MAC I love it...
Soon I'll post some pics from my lips full of the new "Barbie loves MAC" collection..
And I fell in love with the most perfect hat I've ever seen.. But It's so expensive that I don'T know what to do.. I can't sleep, I can't eat.. I need it..
And I still wait for someone who gives me the money and says: "You'll be looking great, buy it, I know you need it.."
To be addicted to such expensive drugs is hard, believe me
I'm totally in love with the make up from MAC I love it...

Soon I'll post some pics from my lips full of the new "Barbie loves MAC" collection..

And I fell in love with the most perfect hat I've ever seen.. But It's so expensive that I don'T know what to do.. I can't sleep, I can't eat.. I need it..
And I still wait for someone who gives me the money and says: "You'll be looking great, buy it, I know you need it.."
To be addicted to such expensive drugs is hard, believe me

na ich glaub da gibts keine heilung. die einzige die ich kenn heit "dissertatoin" leider tritt die mglichkeit zur heilung erst nach jahren auf. traurige gschicht...
was studierst du denn?
bist du eigentlich aus wien??
wnsch da nen schnen tag...
"oh tell me why i dont like mondays......"
ps: die katzenfotos sind soooooowas von s!!!!! pass auf sonst fress ich sie auf
mal sehen wie lang das hlt
was tust du noch so die woche?