Of things science
When you are standing out on a clear night looking at the twinkling stars, think of time and distance. A star I was intently staring at was 12 billion light years away. That means I am looking at light that was generated 12 billion light years in the past. An event in the past being watched in the future. Makes one think that time lines are not linier they double over and intersect.
Imagine a life form on a planet circling that star 12 billion light years away. We are self-centered and normally do not think that someone across space and time will be admiring a beacon of light that will correlate to a moment in the distant future or past.
Only if one could break relativity, then time travel would be possible just by changing perspective.
When you are standing out on a clear night looking at the twinkling stars, think of time and distance. A star I was intently staring at was 12 billion light years away. That means I am looking at light that was generated 12 billion light years in the past. An event in the past being watched in the future. Makes one think that time lines are not linier they double over and intersect.
Imagine a life form on a planet circling that star 12 billion light years away. We are self-centered and normally do not think that someone across space and time will be admiring a beacon of light that will correlate to a moment in the distant future or past.
Only if one could break relativity, then time travel would be possible just by changing perspective.
Why don't you have a guy on your friend's list named 'Rosencrance' or 'Hamlet'?

I remember hearing one time, that even though it is tought that when we percieve the light of something that is 12 billion light years way, then it is light from the past, as it takes so long to reach our eyes, that instead some of the light we are percieving is much more immediate than that. I am going to have to look that up again.