I happened upon an article last week that just screamed "truth" on so many different levels.
The relevent section:
I believe a good part of our creativity comes from our inherent cultural and ethnic diversity. Americans are used to working with people of different attitudes, cultures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds. Indeed, we think there is something wrong if our neighborhoods and educational institutions do not reflect the incredible diversity of America, and we seek to remedy the imbalance. It is not by accident that our national motto is E Pluribus Unum (from many, one). This mind-set is not replicated anywhere in the world to the extent that it is here in America.
A diverse group of people has a better chance of recognizing opportunities. Such a group has a much greater range of experiences and ideas to draw on. It is also better able to appreciate cultural differences and create products appropriate to different societies. Most importantly, there is something about the nature of discourse carried on by a diverse group that forces people to review their assumptions and develop new perspectives. We need to encourage diversity, both within our country and by having students from other countries study here. Instead of shrinking from globalism, we must embrace it.
The relevent section:
I believe a good part of our creativity comes from our inherent cultural and ethnic diversity. Americans are used to working with people of different attitudes, cultures, and racial and ethnic backgrounds. Indeed, we think there is something wrong if our neighborhoods and educational institutions do not reflect the incredible diversity of America, and we seek to remedy the imbalance. It is not by accident that our national motto is E Pluribus Unum (from many, one). This mind-set is not replicated anywhere in the world to the extent that it is here in America.
A diverse group of people has a better chance of recognizing opportunities. Such a group has a much greater range of experiences and ideas to draw on. It is also better able to appreciate cultural differences and create products appropriate to different societies. Most importantly, there is something about the nature of discourse carried on by a diverse group that forces people to review their assumptions and develop new perspectives. We need to encourage diversity, both within our country and by having students from other countries study here. Instead of shrinking from globalism, we must embrace it.
Interesting that you should bring up the culture subject. You were part of that board a couple of weeks ago dealing w/the notion of culture and if America is able to claim one as its own, right. I can't remember, I'll have to check my "Comments." I have my own thoughts on that but I think everyone thought I was a crackpot. Glad you liked the Mencken quotes, hoped somebody would recognize him.

Yep, I was right, in the "Culturalism" thread, I thought I recognized you, you clever bugger.