My neighbor returned home from deployment in Iraq yesterday. How surreal to work for a company that has employees deployed in combat conditions and not give them much thought, but to see my neighbors kids playing along the street really drives the point home that we are all really lucky in one way or another.
Well, as for the Uncle looking to go Federal, has he considered the NSA? They are doing a mass hiring I am told. I have kicked that one around myself, but suspect I should stay put at least for the time being.
As to your friend, that sucks that he is having such a difficult time. I have discovered that anything to do with military and MVD, well they are an evil vortex, if one should meet with the other. I have done my time trying desperately to work out various problems between the two. **shudder**
Entertaining clients? Hum. Here is to hoping they are entertaining all on their own accord....easily amused would be good, I'm sure.
Good luck on all counts my pretty.
This war has been really interesting in the sense that we've been really -connected- to it... I've IRC'd with soldiers in iraq that I knew, which is something that would have been unheard of a mere 50 years ago. It's even stranger reading the blogs of iraqi's... what an age we live in.