Incident responce is fun!!! Good waste of 10 hours of my life because McAfee's emergency dat to catch bagel.j does not work on workstation scanners (works on servers, go figure) and some Luser decides to check his hotmail and run an attachment. *Mental note to blackhole*
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 03, 2004
The most interesting person you ever meet in your life may be yoursel… -
Wednesday May 26, 2004
Of things science When you are standing out on a clear night looki… -
Thursday May 20, 2004
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Wednesday May 19, 2004
My stupidity lingers. I feel perfect today but was explaining anti-s… -
Tuesday May 18, 2004
I woke up this morning feeling like my head was under water. I k… -
Monday May 17, 2004
I happened upon an article last week that just screamed "truth" on so… -
Wednesday May 05, 2004
An honest man was being tailgated by a stressed-out woman on a busy b… -
Tuesday Apr 27, 2004
Time to grind. Time to shine. The project is all mine. No more w… -
Friday Apr 16, 2004
Season opening of the Tiki Bar, there will be no survivors. -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
My neighbor returned home from deployment in Iraq yesterday. How sur…
Myself, I do it to avoid throttling my superiors.