wow, what a long summer, factory work sucks, i just have to remind myself I am going to school so i don't get stuck in a shit hole, I mean its honest work, good money, but not for me, but hey, i finished work, back at school and 4 peal jam concerts later i should not complain, enjoy life
WOW----I saw Aduislave last night and they fucking blew me away, It was awesome to see chriss cornell, I mean the guy is a legend, but what totally put the show over the top was the fact they also played soundgarden and rage songs, spoonman, outshined, and an acustic black hole sun, and then and they played bulls on parade, sleep now in the fire...
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Fuck'n A, Fuck'n A+, Sin city is like the greatest movie ever, plain and simple, I feel so much more cool after watching that movie, and let me say i am already pretty fucking cool, but this movie is just sweet, cool action, cool violence, and titties, I mean obviously I like tittties, abd i am going to go out on a limb and say...
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someone told me i should inform you of this new thread i started called the Anti-Traditionalists Thread.
take a look if you want.
i see you have a few anti-tradition ideas under your belt as well.
take a look if you want.
i see you have a few anti-tradition ideas under your belt as well.

All work and no play make eric go something something......I am fucking sick of these goddamn essays, i have to write all fucking 3 at the same fucking time, finish one paper go and finish the other one, and then go and start working on a whole new one, and then...then i finish writing papers and i have to study for exams, and then I...
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you can do both, you know. visit a graveyard AND work. it's fun. keeps things in perspective for me, at least. and um... it is true that university grads have way more oral sex than those who never go. ;o)
i never need an excuse to get drunk - alone or with company. but thanks!
i never need an excuse to get drunk - alone or with company. but thanks!
queens of the stone age, yes one of the greatest bands ever, got my ass kicked in the mosh pit, kicked a lotof ass in the mosh pit, wouldn't have it any other way
rocking is really a full time job, i think i will just focus all my energy towards it. I mean thats prolly what I'm best at, its just to bad the pay blows!
KISS ME I'M IRISH!!!!! no not really, i could give a shit about st. patrick's day, but everyone else seems to be enjoying it so I guess I may as that means off to the campus bar to start drinking. WOO!
Good Charlotte, part g.g. allen and part hanson, but mostly hanson..hahahaha some pretty funny shit..ehhhh whatever..all I know is the best thing about a tarantino movie, well maybe not the best, but one of the best things are the fucking soundtracks, there is some great shit I would not have ever heard, I need to find one of those dark, moody, bars with that authentic...
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fuck L.A. go to a small town - maybe a college town... or some town that got lost in time as the suburbs got built up around it (that's where i live) and you'll find your bar. L.A. is a fantasy land. what happens there never really happens or happens much more harshly than it would elsewhere.
i'm not at all sure that i'm cool or look good in a t-shirt. i just like reading what you have to say.
i'm not at all sure that i'm cool or look good in a t-shirt. i just like reading what you have to say.
why is it that when you do what you think is the rightthing, you just end up doing something wrong, and then when you try and do what you think was the proper thing to do in the first place it still turns out to be the wrongthing?
I'm just waiting for that first ray of sunshine, so until then sorry but no funny stuff,...
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I'm just waiting for that first ray of sunshine, so until then sorry but no funny stuff,...
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Luckily, for me anyway, I'm not looking for a dancing monkey. And if you ever do figure an answer for that question - please share it with me.
thats it, I've given up and thrown in the towel, nuff said. i always thought I would go kicking and screaming, making a big scene, you know put up a fight, or maybe be classy about, but I think i will just go outunnoticed.
most of us do. the question really is, where are you going?