Dudes enough with the stupid emo haircuts, they are not cool when you go to the mall and everyone and their sister has the same friggin hair cut......alrigh alright, its true, I just hate emo hair cuts because I can't grow one, its just that it seems like all the girls love those damn things........aww shucks.
eeps! i don't even know what an "emo" haircut looks like these days... still robert smith-ish? just curious. wow i feel old. and yeah, i did go for those. but mostly, i went for brains. no, not in the zombie way, but in the sharing of ideas way. ok, mostly. anyway, yeah - that's all i had to say.
"good morning heartache you're like an old friend come and see me again".....I really wish I could feel sorry for myself, but then i just feel stupid and whinney, but the funny thing is that by typing this I know I am neing kind of stupid and whinney..hmmm its quiet the kunumdrum(sp?)
Awwww, I sorry, I was just cleaning up my friends list and deleting people I dont talk to anymore. I will add you again if you would still like to be my friend?

kiss kiss
blah blah blah.......I am stuck in a rut, i think it is just those february blues... i need to cool my hot heart with a cool island song...or do I have to warm my icy heart with a hot island song....no no it's a cool island song, but then wouldn't I end up freezing my hellish heart with a cool island song...my god I don't...
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drunk and angry, whats new?? absolutelly nothing, and guess what i know the spelling is wrong so fuck you and fuck all those stupid emo kids,
got my queens of the stone age tickets.....so I guess everyone can go suck a sac full of dicks....that is unless you got your own tickets, in which case you can just go do whatever you would normally do, so I guess it it possible for you to still suck a sac full of dicks if that is what you would normally do, in which...
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Queens of the FUcking Stone Age, new album, new tour, nuff said.
My god, I am in love, its so funny you never expect to fall in love. It just sort of happens when you least expect it. Katie B. from Jakalope is possibly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. love love love love love love love

I am not a religious man, I really don't care for it. Therefore I really don't have any use for teh jazz that goes along with it, so when it comes to teh topic of souls, I really don't think we have souls int he biblican sense, but in many cases I think "soul" is a handy word to describe abstract things. Like it can...
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Xmas holidays are over and its time for detox, which mainly just means now that I am back at school its back to getting drunk during the weekend and not everyother day...oh well. The shitty thing is that usually after the holidays and I feel recharged and ready for another semester of school, but i don't feel recharged, refreshed or well rested, I don't know...
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