I've been pretty weird the past few days. Last night I watched hours of wedding proposals and people reacting to people telling them they are going to have a baby on youtube. I don't even know why I did, but seriously I spent around 12 hours watching that shit. There were even quite a few that made me tear up. I dwear I must be going nuts. Babies and weddings have even infiltrated and taken my dreams hostage. I can't close my eyes for a minute without thinking about those 2 things. I swear i'm turning into a woman XD. To top everything off i've been listening to cheesy love songs all week. I've been single for over 2 years now and the only things I miss are cuddling and kissing. It's weird that the lack of sex doesn't bother me at all, but the lack of kissing and cuddling just might kill me 

My point was/is, when you go to the TN Ren Fest you gotta get one of the big ass Turkey legs, it's like a tradition, especially it being your first time. Few things make you feel more a man than being surrounded by weapons, hot chicks (which abound there), and munching on a huge chunk o' meat. HUZZAH!
The Hello Kitty hat pic seems to be rather popular, especially with female friends. I was talking to a young lady I know on another site where I have it posted as my profile pic. She was busy telling me how much she loved it. I said yeah, it's funny, but it'll never get me laid. Her reply? I wouldn't be so sure of that, handsome.