Funny how the first reaction to being emotionally hurt is to physically react. I want to hit a couple of guys I have no business being pissed at. It's stupid and illogical and for a minute it would have felt very very good.
But if I keep on sticking my hand in the blender, who's to blame?
Scotch. Scotchy Scotch Scotch.
See? My rule #1: Alcohol solves problems.
Learn it live it love it.
Back to my motor...
But if I keep on sticking my hand in the blender, who's to blame?
Scotch. Scotchy Scotch Scotch.
See? My rule #1: Alcohol solves problems.
Learn it live it love it.
Back to my motor...
thanks for the compliment on the set... and the welcome...
Never heard of your brand of Pom-Aid. I bet it's good stuff!