hope you followin your dreams
More Blogs
Thursday May 29, 2003
I never know what to write in this damn thing untill I smoke my blend… -
Wednesday May 28, 2003
I miss the automatic front door and the Silver Spoons train that ran … -
Tuesday May 27, 2003
Peep this 2 days ago I was living in a fog bank. Today I'm on the str… -
Sunday May 25, 2003
They served me a Miller High Life in a paper bag like a bum......... -
Friday May 23, 2003
fog rolled in like armagedeon hit It's so dreary and sleepy out he… -
Thursday May 22, 2003
I watched Metallica tonight at the Filmore. They didn't play a single… -
Wednesday May 21, 2003
RJD2/Prefuse 73 tour 5-16-03 S.F. Great American Music Hall A Grape … -
Tuesday May 20, 2003
I'm procrastinating my RJD2 review, sorry. I'll have it up later afte… -
Sunday May 18, 2003
Prom was cool. I wasnt too freaky and I'm a little bit shy. I met som… -
Friday May 16, 2003
friends in town today and all weekend. They are headed up from the ai…
so i was hoping to talk to you last night, but that didn't werk out; i got to sleep around 1:30. it's rough having to wake up early in the morning. anyway, if i can, i'll check that show out...if not, you have to tell me about it! ok, time to get stoned and be on my way. weeee. (i love being able to be stoned at werk, especially when there are people there that smoke with me!)