I am considering getting rid of my television for a while. I love it and I hate it. I have a beautiful television something I never ever had until I got my shit together a while back. It is so nice to watch, it makes everything look like a million bucks. The sh*t is crazy addictive though, I flip it on whenever I have a spare moment, eating, winding down, ect... I now realize that for all intents and purposes, I've quit reading books, I'm not getting enough work done in the studio, ect... I know I should get rid of it but it's just kinda strange. I'm not sure what to do.....
I guess I should just get rid of the damn thing...

i have a tv, it's lucky if it gets turned on once a week. and usually when i turn it on, it's just in the background while i do something else...although somtimes i do watch a whole episode of the simpsons...
so yeh. fuck tv. i don't even have cable.
ok, i gotta go draw a comic for my brother now.