I watched Metallica tonight at the Filmore. They didn't play a single track off of Ride the Lightening or Master of Puppets
those guys are played
I must add that Metallica does gets props for grabbing 2 kids out of the audience and having them get on stage and sing the Metallica version of Die Die Die My Darling...that was cool.
that said, i have never seen some much pure unadulterated white trash since watching Gummo. Seriously it was enough to make you hate mullets all over again. The good thing was that I didn't pay a dime for the ticket in. "Metal-lic-ass"
Guess I'm just missing Garage Days re-revistited, if only I could believe they would not attempt to re-re-revist them again in their early 60's, I could probably keep my big mouth shut

I must add that Metallica does gets props for grabbing 2 kids out of the audience and having them get on stage and sing the Metallica version of Die Die Die My Darling...that was cool.
that said, i have never seen some much pure unadulterated white trash since watching Gummo. Seriously it was enough to make you hate mullets all over again. The good thing was that I didn't pay a dime for the ticket in. "Metal-lic-ass"
Guess I'm just missing Garage Days re-revistited, if only I could believe they would not attempt to re-re-revist them again in their early 60's, I could probably keep my big mouth shut

that really happened? see, then rj wouldn't have been too happy to see me, he has enough groupies already...prolly some really hot ones too that even i'd drool over. competition, competition-it's the american way.
by the way...metallica rocked a misfits song? how gangster. i'm not a big metallica fan, but at least they're giving credit to the ill ones. werd.