So obviously not for me.
One nephew "accidently" got the other in the head with a golf club.
Dang, our genes run strong.
I just hope the next generation learns easier than we did.
I can easily picture myself in this position because I'm always taking accidental swings... and oftentimes to the throat or nuts. Luckily, minus a temporary breathing problem I've always survived those, but the head injuries are a real headache without any cool scars or stories to tell because they're embarrassing. Well, other than getting launched into the air and landing on my face (when I first got a face shield) I don't have many great or funny stories. I wish they caught that launch on video, though, because the only proof I have is the scrape on my face shield when I was launched forward and slid on my face. For a second I thought I forget the shield and was checking my mouth for lost teeth and blood because I was confused and freaked out, but then I was happy it arrived in the mail two days prior or else I might be missing quite a few front teeth.
@xheartswornx exactly