- on gschmelzer's status update
- on avrora's blog post
- on gschmelzer's blog post
- on xheartswornx's blog post
- on filicity's photo
- on gschmelzer's blog post
I was asked today to add a stub out for water supply and drain to the ongoing project building, simply to use the space above the apartment that is the current project as a possible future apartment.
The building is an old granary from the 1830's, and that space is currently just used for the owners storage.
This makes sense, it would be much easier...
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I also got the X5 put back together
I was leaned back, having my coffee on the porch swing to start my day.
The 80lb puppy decided to forget that that she isn't supposed to jump on people.
I spilled fresh coffee right on my crotch. I mean, all of it.
Hot hot hot.
I don't think I've taken my pants off that fast in a long time.
But I still love being from a place where this is part of our culture.
(No, it's not mine)
I do that every day.
Mmm, carbs.
One of the things I do is real estate title search.
One of the courthouses I frequent was set in fire last night.
I spent the day telling people that I have no idea when I'll have their search done, no one was allowed inside the building today due to the arson investigation.
I doubt anyone will be allowed in it tomorrow.
Anyway, that's that....
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