Well, as I said way back when, Batman Ruled... But I figured I'd do my whole who I'd cast if I cast it. So here I go!
Batman/Bruce Wane: Christian Bale (he was pretty good at it... Just needs less shouting anger, more brooding)
Love Intrest: Oh screw that...
Robin: .... None of that
Alfred: Michael Caine
Joker: Crispin Glover
Riddler: Kevin Spacey
Victor Von Freeze: Patrick Stewart
Penguin: Danny Devito(only played the high brow way he should be played, not the sewer dwelling way he was done in the movie)
Scarecrow: Wladyslaw Szpilman
Catwoman: Ashely Judd
Poison Ivy: Angelina Jolie
Two Face: Johnny Depp
Ummmm... That's all I can't think of with my brain as it is right now...
Batman/Bruce Wane: Christian Bale (he was pretty good at it... Just needs less shouting anger, more brooding)
Love Intrest: Oh screw that...
Robin: .... None of that
Alfred: Michael Caine
Joker: Crispin Glover
Riddler: Kevin Spacey
Victor Von Freeze: Patrick Stewart
Penguin: Danny Devito(only played the high brow way he should be played, not the sewer dwelling way he was done in the movie)
Scarecrow: Wladyslaw Szpilman
Catwoman: Ashely Judd
Poison Ivy: Angelina Jolie
Two Face: Johnny Depp
Ummmm... That's all I can't think of with my brain as it is right now...
[Edited on Jul 07, 2005 7:28PM]