My Day
05:55 am leave the house
06:05 am exiting off of what is known as the jamaica way at huntington ave, car dies as im driving, will not restart, call AAA say 30 minutes for tow truck
07:05 tow truck arrives
07:20 catch what is affectionately known as the T here in boston
07:30 the train i catch is ok, we pull into brigham circle, driver announces sorry people but the train in front of us has broken down, they are working on it now
07:40 train starts moving again slowley
07:50 i arrive at work finally
i had a fun morning start
how was your morning start
Edited 09/22/2010
13:00 the guy who relieves me calls, my car will not start, i do not have AAA, i said JOIN NOW then call them
17:00 he arrives for work 2 hrs late, it was the battery had died , just needed a jump
05:55 am leave the house
06:05 am exiting off of what is known as the jamaica way at huntington ave, car dies as im driving, will not restart, call AAA say 30 minutes for tow truck
07:05 tow truck arrives
07:20 catch what is affectionately known as the T here in boston
07:30 the train i catch is ok, we pull into brigham circle, driver announces sorry people but the train in front of us has broken down, they are working on it now
07:40 train starts moving again slowley
07:50 i arrive at work finally
i had a fun morning start
how was your morning start

Edited 09/22/2010
13:00 the guy who relieves me calls, my car will not start, i do not have AAA, i said JOIN NOW then call them
17:00 he arrives for work 2 hrs late, it was the battery had died , just needed a jump
thats a crazy day grumps! Hope your well!
I was looking back at my very first blog post and you were my first comment
that's so weird to think since 2005