Home from work again. Now off for 10 days. Leaving AZ tomorrow for 3 days and going to Kanab Utah. Visiting the Best Friends Society Animal Sanctuary. It was featured on the National Geographic show Dog Town. Spending my birthday there with my Mom. Going on a tour of the sanctuary then volunteering in the afternoon there caring for the animals. I am actually excited for a change.
More Blogs
Friday Jul 04, 2008
Guess That I am getting to be an old boring person now that I ha… -
Friday May 30, 2008
Another Friday stuck at work again. One step closer to quitting each … -
Monday May 05, 2008
Finally I actually have some wisdom to impart in my blog rather than … -
Thursday May 01, 2008
Happy May Day, Another Thursday at work and god I hate my job. 3 wee… -
Thursday Dec 13, 2007
Just another in paradise at my lovely job here in the middle of nowhe…
Dogs are such special animals... my favorite!