Home from work again. Now off for 10 days. Leaving AZ tomorrow for 3 days and going to Kanab Utah. Visiting the Best Friends Society Animal Sanctuary. It was featured on the National Geographic show Dog Town. Spending my birthday there with my Mom. Going on a tour of the sanctuary then volunteering in the afternoon there caring for the animals. I am actually excited for a change.
More Blogs
Monday Jun 08, 2009
Damn another month has come and gone with no real change in life. Wor… -
Wednesday May 06, 2009
Finally some just in my little world. My old boss finally got removed… -
Wednesday Apr 22, 2009
Time for another monthly blog. The psycho ex came and left again. She… -
Wednesday Mar 25, 2009
Well life is a rollercoaster ride sometimes, up, down, spun around, a… -
Saturday Feb 14, 2009
Well another month has come and gone again. What a month, happily see… -
Monday Jan 05, 2009
Well another year has come and gone. Life has changed a great deal. I… -
Thursday Dec 04, 2008
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!!!!!! There is some much truth in tha… -
Saturday Oct 18, 2008
What do you do when you are a person who is a pessimist? Lately thing… -
Sunday Sep 07, 2008
Welcome to another edition of my blog where I whine and snivel about … -
Thursday Aug 14, 2008
You know what grinds my gears The obnoxious little pukes I work wi…
Dogs are such special animals... my favorite!