Damn another month has come and gone with no real change in life. Work is the same still no decision about if the director is staying or going. If he goes the odds of me getting my position back full time increase exponentially. Psycho Ex contacted me again after 2 months, apologized for the way she treated me, said she was clean of meth for 6 weeks now, said she knows how I feel as the guy she was seeing dumped her for someone else. I was dumb enough to have lunch with her, see let slip a few details about our time together. The guy who dumped her was seeing her before we got together in October of 2008, he disappeared for 2 months then came back in the end of December. Odd...we were still seeing each other until the end of January.
End of January she supposedly went back to her ex husband in Phoenix who she let slip she left for the guy who disappeared rather than another story she told me.
While having lunch she is constantly being texted by her current boyfriend who is living with her who she says she is kicking out after he helps her with this months bills. I tell her good bye and she hugs and kisses me and starts to cry as I am the only guy who has ever treated her decently and as an equal. I tell her to call me when shes single and we can talk. She starts texting me alot and I finally ask her for the truth about everything and get the response its complicated. Short while later I get a text saying leave me alone I am getting married. I realize its her current boyfriend on her phone as she told me his delusional plans for marriage. I text the response that she was the one who contacted me after 2 months, and it was her who wanted to have lunch on Tuesday, and her who suggested we get back together after she dumps her current boyfriend. I then get a barrage of text messages from what I am guessing is his phone numbers I ignore it completely. So a week later and she has not called. Looks like Karma has bit her on the ass again. Well thats it for now.

Aweee thanks hun! You have no idea how much it means to me that you took the time to do that!!! Thnaks hun!!!! What are your 4th of july plans??
WOOT! I'm SO glad you like What Stays in Vegas! Thanks so much for the comment!