Well life is a rollercoaster ride sometimes, up, down, spun around, and you end up barfing on yourself. Thats the way I am feeling lately. I finally was over my ex and she comes back. She said she wanted to get back with me and was honest and said the 6 weeks she was gone she went back to her ex realized I treated better than he ever did and came back. 2 weeks later she finally comes totally clean and admits shes not attracted to me just wanted the security and things I had to offer her. Work blows still only part time after getting fucked over when I just wanted to go back to being an EMT on a shift instead of being the boss. At least I have some money saved to live on. A friend who is a therapist introduced me to the DVD the secret. Not really buying into the whole you get what you wish for. But trying to incorporate some of the things like projecting a positive attitude and being grateful for what I have. So we will see I guess.
More Blogs
Sunday Jan 22, 2012
Another quiet Sunday at home. I just got home from another busy shift… -
Friday Oct 08, 2010
The peace of mind brought by regular full time employment, a set sche… -
Friday Mar 12, 2010
Well from my last positive blog to the depressed blog. My dream woman… -
Thursday Feb 25, 2010
Thursday Blog- Well it is another day in paradise here in sunny Ar… -
Friday Feb 19, 2010
Friday Blog Well it is finally Friday. Another week has almost com… -
Sunday Feb 14, 2010
Valentines Day Blog Well Fudge, another crummy Hallmark Holiday wh… -
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
Tuesday Night at Work Blog Well it is Tuesday and I am back at wor… -
Saturday Jan 16, 2010
It's another Saturday that I am at work in the middle of a 48 hour sh… -
Tuesday Jan 05, 2010
"The 10 Quotes Every Geek Should Know." . 1. "Strange women lying … -
Saturday Sep 19, 2009
Well today is another crap fest that is my life. September 19th, This…
And Random:
Oh no, you are being thanked for leaving me a comment on my set Deliverance in member review. Yes, you have received a copy-pasted message to thank you! However, you are being thanked because I appreciate the nice comment. So there!
And in all honesty.... thank you so much for the nice comment. It means a lot to me. xoxoxox
I also enjoy Nathan too!