Well from my last positive blog to the depressed blog. My dream woman turned out to be a dream a right a bad one. I either A) totally do not get dating anymore B) am a heartless bastard with no soul or C) Was drawn in by another needy neurotic woman. I am leaning toward answer C but most likely A and B are equally...
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Thursday Blog-
Well it is another day in paradise here in sunny Arizona.
Bills are paid, pantry is filled, and there are a few dollars left in the bank and the wallet. 
Life is good as it can get for me I guess.
I have books to read, everything for the garden, and plenty of time for it all. As good as this sounds the...
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Well it is another day in paradise here in sunny Arizona.

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Give it time

Friday Blog
Well it is finally Friday.
Another week has almost come and gone. The only thing new with me is I finally have signed up for online dating again on the free website Plenty of Fish.
In the first week I have sent out about 5 introduction emails and gotten responses from all five.
After exchanging the first two or three getting to know...
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Well it is finally Friday.

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Thats the right attitude! Keep trying, you will find her sweetie
Glad you like the pics - more too come!! xx

Valentines Day Blog
Well Fudge, another crummy Hallmark Holiday where the single folks are marginalized even more. Yes I am a pissy single guy, on the most romantic day of the year.
At 39, I have never been a fan of another day where you are expected to use a chunk of cash to show someone you love them.
Shit, I thought you were supposed...
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Well Fudge, another crummy Hallmark Holiday where the single folks are marginalized even more. Yes I am a pissy single guy, on the most romantic day of the year.

At 39, I have never been a fan of another day where you are expected to use a chunk of cash to show someone you love them.

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Right Mr, Happy Valentines Day!! Its late, but the sentiment is there
I'm sorry I have not been in touch recently - especially as you sent me that wonderful message. My head is a shed and full of crap atm. I really hope things pick up for you soon xxx

Thats because you are lovely. How are things with you over the pond today? xx
Tuesday Night at Work Blog
Well it is Tuesday and I am back at work at the ambulance. Here for a messed up shorter shift. Only 34 hour shift as compared to the standard 48 hour shift.
But as I am still part-time status I take what I can get. I come back at 9 pm Saturday night so I get a full 96 hours...
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Well it is Tuesday and I am back at work at the ambulance. Here for a messed up shorter shift. Only 34 hour shift as compared to the standard 48 hour shift.

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God, we are in the same boat. When I was younger I thought people my present age so had their shit together. But I think they really just got better at hiding the problems or I couldn't even comprehend their problems. Argh. Fucking life 

It's another Saturday that I am at work in the middle of a 48 hour shift at the ambulance company. Same shit different day. Getting excited for shift to end tomorrow at 8 am and then a 4 hour drive to Phoenix to see my buddy before he deploys for a minimum of 6 months to Kyrgyzstan. We don't see each other much anymore since...
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Thanks sweetie
Hope you like it! Did you enjoy seeing your friend? xx

Had a great time in Phoenix. We caught up while he got some nice ink done. Saw the movie Book of Eli. And just had a great time in generally. First chance for me to have some quality rest and relaxation in a long time. How are things with you hun?
"The 10 Quotes Every Geek Should Know." .
1. "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." Dennis the Peasant, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2. "Three rings for the Elven kings under the sky, seven for the Dwarf lords in...
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1. "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." Dennis the Peasant, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2. "Three rings for the Elven kings under the sky, seven for the Dwarf lords in...
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Thank you for the blog comment! It is rather frustrating to say the least
Thank you xx
Well today is another crap fest that is my life. September 19th, This would have been my father's 79th birthday. God I miss him more each year. This is also my ex's 28th birthday and I am dreading the drunken text message or phone call that is inevitably coming from this miserable self centered people using bitch. This is also the formal memorial service for...
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Thank you
Are you feeling any better from your last blog? xx

Damn another month has come and gone with no real change in life. Work is the same still no decision about if the director is staying or going. If he goes the odds of me getting my position back full time increase exponentially. Psycho Ex contacted me again after 2 months, apologized for the way she treated me, said she was clean of meth for...
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Aweee thanks hun! You have no idea how much it means to me that you took the time to do that!!! Thnaks hun!!!! What are your 4th of july plans??
WOOT! I'm SO glad you like What Stays in Vegas! Thanks so much for the comment!
Finally some just in my little world. My old boss finally got removed from his position. The guy was a moron and had no business being the Emergency Services Director. With any luck I may get full time hours back in the next few months and no longer worry about things for awhile. That would be a nice change. Now just to find my dream...
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Thank you for the set love, I really appreciate you taking the time!
I really appricaite that you took the time to leave me such a nice comment on my set. It means a lot to have your support on my work. Have a fantastic week. Talk soon!
Time for another monthly blog. The psycho ex came and left again. She called me two weeks ago, begged me to come see her. I did, mainly to see how she looked as a blonde. She apoligized for how she had treated me and said it was due to being hurt by her ex and to give her one more chance. I said sure but...
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Thank you so much for your comment on my set
Muck Luv
Angel Star
Muck Luv
Angel Star
thanks for the love on my new set.

Well life is a rollercoaster ride sometimes, up, down, spun around, and you end up barfing on yourself. Thats the way I am feeling lately. I finally was over my ex and she comes back. She said she wanted to get back with me and was honest and said the 6 weeks she was gone she went back to her ex realized I treated better...
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Oh, no. Those girl problems are no good. It sounds to me like you deserve better. I know work can suck a lot too.
I hope things get better for you soon!
And Random:
Oh no, you are being thanked for leaving me a comment on my set Deliverance in member review. Yes, you have received a copy-pasted message to thank you! However, you are being thanked because I appreciate the nice comment. So there!
And in all honesty.... thank you so much for the nice comment. It means a lot to me. xoxoxox

And Random:
Oh no, you are being thanked for leaving me a comment on my set Deliverance in member review. Yes, you have received a copy-pasted message to thank you! However, you are being thanked because I appreciate the nice comment. So there!

And in all honesty.... thank you so much for the nice comment. It means a lot to me. xoxoxox
AGREED! Ali Larter's characters weren't the greatest.
I also enjoy Nathan too!
I also enjoy Nathan too!
And thank you for your support, I'll try again but I may give up soon!! xx