Your Attention Please!
I just posted a number of events for a great new band called Run Away From The Humans. I will be at all these shows except for New York next week. Please come out and show your support!
- Saturday, April 9: Tiswas NYC (Don Hill's)
- Saturday, April 16: DC9, Washington DC
- Saturday, April 23: VCC, Baltimore, MD (all ages)
- Saturday, May 28: Main Hall, Montreal, QC
...many more to come!
You can hear a few songs at their website.
Also, they just got onto BetterPropaganda and are linked to "similar artists" Bloc Party, The Postal Service, Arcade Fire, Blonde Redhead, Mobius Band... I could keep going...
UPDATE - 5:30 pm (East-siyeeed)
Hey there folks! I updated my profile a little bit. Chiggity-check it.
As Mallory mentioned, it is raining like a frigging sieve here. The kind of day that the sidewalks flood and your wheel wells get really clean. I found a parking spot right in front of my apartment, which resulted in me going directly inside and doing the Balky Bartokamous dance of joy.
Can I just say that I love
my gym? They play the best music there. And the boys check out each other, not me. And they have the bestest dance classes, Millennium Funk, Hip hop Cardio, Jazzology, Aquaboogie to House and Ambient... it's so sweet. I took the hip hop cardio class again today which is great!! but I feel like such a spaz because I can't stop grinning the whole time. I just love it. I know I'm supposed to be all haaaard and put on my badass face but I'm all -->
Sorta sad I'm missing out on the Tattoo Convention in Reading. Hope everyone had a fun time. I think I might be getting one next week when I'm home in Seattle - I've got someone I'm comfortable with there.
I just posted a number of events for a great new band called Run Away From The Humans. I will be at all these shows except for New York next week. Please come out and show your support!
- Saturday, April 9: Tiswas NYC (Don Hill's)
- Saturday, April 16: DC9, Washington DC
- Saturday, April 23: VCC, Baltimore, MD (all ages)
- Saturday, May 28: Main Hall, Montreal, QC
...many more to come!
You can hear a few songs at their website.
Also, they just got onto BetterPropaganda and are linked to "similar artists" Bloc Party, The Postal Service, Arcade Fire, Blonde Redhead, Mobius Band... I could keep going...
UPDATE - 5:30 pm (East-siyeeed)
Hey there folks! I updated my profile a little bit. Chiggity-check it.
As Mallory mentioned, it is raining like a frigging sieve here. The kind of day that the sidewalks flood and your wheel wells get really clean. I found a parking spot right in front of my apartment, which resulted in me going directly inside and doing the Balky Bartokamous dance of joy.
Can I just say that I love

Sorta sad I'm missing out on the Tattoo Convention in Reading. Hope everyone had a fun time. I think I might be getting one next week when I'm home in Seattle - I've got someone I'm comfortable with there.
Why aren't we friends yet? Good question. I propose that we change that here and now. As for the "real" SGs, I think that some of the non-real SGs (like yourself) are more lovely and more fun. Please, do STOP distracting me from studying. I have priorities.