I like female singers with strange background music.
I'm sad I missed Cocorosie when they played at the Wexner Center with Bright Eyes.
I'm taking an Intaglio class and I do believe that the teacher may be one of the most perfect men ever. He's Italian and from Brooklyn and he's spent his life adult life obsessing over fine art and printmaking.
There is a foot of snow on the ground.
my cats are curled up on my bed.
Saturday looks good to me.
I'm sad I missed Cocorosie when they played at the Wexner Center with Bright Eyes.
I'm taking an Intaglio class and I do believe that the teacher may be one of the most perfect men ever. He's Italian and from Brooklyn and he's spent his life adult life obsessing over fine art and printmaking.
There is a foot of snow on the ground.
my cats are curled up on my bed.
Saturday looks good to me.


so what female singers do ya like?

yes ive seen that movie. it is awesome.