It stopped raining for a couple nice days but it has started again...water is pouring through the hole on my ceiling.
listening to Butterfly Boucher...who I've decided I like even though her vocals really do sound a LOT like Avril!
I sent in my Application to be a SG! I feel good about the photos but the quality of them is crap...everytime I upload phjotos to this site the quality is diminished...can't figure out how to fix that! anyway...they are in my pics...check em out.
I'm trying to teach myself Spanish through some CD ROMs I got from Amazon and It's actually keeping me sane...I got too fucking high the other night and I thought my heart was going to explode so I sat in front of the Computer and went through my Spanish was pretty funny but it worked to calm me down. The only problem is that the CD ROM doesn't teach me grammer...I can't put a sentance together to save my life.
listening to Butterfly Boucher...who I've decided I like even though her vocals really do sound a LOT like Avril!
I sent in my Application to be a SG! I feel good about the photos but the quality of them is crap...everytime I upload phjotos to this site the quality is diminished...can't figure out how to fix that! anyway...they are in my pics...check em out.
I'm trying to teach myself Spanish through some CD ROMs I got from Amazon and It's actually keeping me sane...I got too fucking high the other night and I thought my heart was going to explode so I sat in front of the Computer and went through my Spanish was pretty funny but it worked to calm me down. The only problem is that the CD ROM doesn't teach me grammer...I can't put a sentance together to save my life.

taco burrito el gato
i go to osu... for now
[Edited on Jan 12, 2005 1:08PM]
i didnt know you wanted to be a SG! good luck with it though. and i love the pics. and as weird as it may sound, i love your bush...i got a big turn on for girls who dont shave everything down south, its nice to see a landing strip or a nice bush every now and then, i dont see it enough though. i hope you get accepted...and i dig your "goddess" tattoo! if ya ever need a photographer, ive shot sets for Tryst + Poe, check em out!
ya gonna come out for the legbone show @ the high five on friday jan. 28th? i'll be coming out for it!