So i worked with the pharmacist today that likes to listen to Rush Limbaugh while we work...Rush said something today that I couldnt believe...he was talking about how the anti-war people just do not realize the "inherent goodness" of the United States....hmmm. Our country sure as hell didn't use this inherent goodness to help those in Rwanda or Cambodia years ago who were being massacred and needed our help. Our country only shows this "inherent goodness" when oil or some other economic interest is involved.
Funny Pharmacy Tidbit - Yesterday, an obese lesbian came into my workplace and spent 20 minutes talking to me about which herbal supplement she should get for her hot flashes...she then proceded to tell me every detail of her hot flashes and told me i would be getting hot flashes in the next 5 years....i sure as hell hope not. I think she was just a lonely woman so I talked to her for awhile...she seemed to enjoy the company.
My cat Spiderman is grounded. He has been a terror on 4 legs rivaling the destructive capabilities of a catagory 5 hurricaine or an earthquake of 7.7 on the richter scale. He has broken my mini-blinds..spilt 2 drinks...knocked many items off my desk, chewed on a cellphane straw wrapper so loudly it woke me up (I then had to pull it out of his throat since he swallowed half of it), dragged poop on the floor, woke me up making countless noises, and scratched my desk chair. BAD PUSSY! He always makes it up by curling up next to me each night by snuggling with me while he sleeps
how the hell do you ground a cat??
maybe if you had named him something a little less active, like snufalufagus or eeyore... : )