Now it looks like I will have to move out of the apt I shared with my girlfriend. I am so sick of moving i want to cry. I move every 6 months it seems. My antique furniture and trunks are all bashed up from the moves...I love this apt and wanted to stay here for at least 5 years...through pharmacy school and everything. Fuck it all.
I hate my life right now.
1. Broke up with girlfriend
2. Just plain broke
3. Car broken into for the 2nd time in 2 months even though there was NOTHING in cd's
4. My dream if getting a new car keeps getting pushed back farther and farther.
5. I have had 2 surgeries and a spinal fluid shunt this year and my insurance just got cancelled. I am going full-time next week at the company that I have worked for for 5 years and they are making me wait 6 months before they will give me insurance...fuckers
This is what i want to be ----->
I hate my life right now.
1. Broke up with girlfriend
2. Just plain broke
3. Car broken into for the 2nd time in 2 months even though there was NOTHING in cd's
4. My dream if getting a new car keeps getting pushed back farther and farther.
5. I have had 2 surgeries and a spinal fluid shunt this year and my insurance just got cancelled. I am going full-time next week at the company that I have worked for for 5 years and they are making me wait 6 months before they will give me insurance...fuckers
This is what i want to be ----->

shit is crappy
things aren't supposed to be this way
2. I am soo mad
3. Bein' broke into is a terrible feeling of violation...when I was a kid our car got stloen from a church parking lot....A CHURCH PARKING LOT for Christ sake....I mean WTF!!!
4. You are so better of than any of us because you can do cool shit with your profile pic....teach me, teach me, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase!!!!!!!!!!
5. You're an important part of the human race and though I don't "know" you, I'm glad I share the planet with you....for real.