Your green eyes pierce through the clouded rays of sunshine that spot the room to gaze upon me while I reluctantly open my eyes to view the ticking clock. A velvety black and white cat purrs beneath the crumpled down blanket in anticipation of his morning feast. I roll over to feel the warmth eminating from your soft curves. Taking you in my arms, I kiss your heated lips and know I am ready to face the day.
Without you, I could not go on.
I love you
Without you, I could not go on.
I love you

This little paragraph is so big in my heart. It affects me more each time I read it. You are truely a gift... A gift to cherish for the rest of my life. There is not a kinder, more loving soul on this earth than you, my sweet. I love you with everything I have in my heart. There are none more special than you!

I hope you took melon kitty pics like you said you would