Whats new in the world of kevin hmm. Well the punk rock picnic thing fell thru i forgot where it was suppose to be and my dumb ass didnt bother to write down where :-D hahaha. The UK subs show was pretty damn good enough thou i couldnt really enjoy it cause my stupid brother got his ass kicked out for passing out drunk bastard no fuck that bastards im nnever going to the allen again . Remember never go the Allen in south gate it fucking sucks. Oh shit next week im going to the hellbillys record release and than the week after that hopefully im going to see conflict both of them should be off the wall. OH shit and after that halloween and wreckers ball hell ya man im going to go nuts good shows this month. Im going to go in the hardest core drags ever to wreckers ball so if anyone( if anyone even reads this) if your going look for a very ugly girl HAHA