With my almost one year of starting my Hopeful journey approaching I wanted to reflect a little on this past year and share some of my thoughts with you guys.
So when I had started out with being a hopeful I had so much self doubt. Not thinking I was fit enough, or had enough tattoos. I didn't think I was good enough to be a part of something that encourages being different and unique. Seriously how crazy is that? But I know me and alot of other girls feel that way. I have talked to many girls over the past year that have expressed to me that they never thought they could ever be a SG because they're plus sized. I absolutely hate that stigma. I want so badly for that stigma to go away. I want to show girls that regardless of not having the "perfect" tiny body doesn't mean you aren't sexy and capable of accomplishing goals because of that. I know there isn't many girls that are plus sized on the site and aren't confident enough to even try. So if your reading this and have given yourself restrictions I hope this can shed some light on the subject.
When I had started on the site I had so much less confidence. I wasn't comfortable with my body and still have a hard time considering myself "sexy" but joining the site and embracing my "flaws" have only given me a new sense of security within myself. I can honestly say im the happiest I've been with myself in so long and a big part of that has to do with you guys, the members, and the other girls. Every one who has said anything nice, given their support are the people that make me want to strive for being official even more.
So regardless that maybe not every set gets SOTD or even if I never turn pink. Ill know I took some great learning and life experiences from being on this site and being a part of this community. Even though I want more then anything to turn pink, and to show other plus sized girls they can do it too, I'll know this experience was one of the best things I've done for myself and that's all that truly matters.
Im setting a goal for myself that this next year I want to encourage body positive even more. I want to inspire other people and myself to strive for what makes you happy. ♡♡
"What some people think makes us strange or weird or fucked, up we think makes us beautiful"
Thank you all for being so incredibly amazing,
Groovy ♡♡♡
(Sorry if I ranted a bit...)