health is always a good thing, but i also think its okay to acknowledge when you have yukky times, too. i know how it feels to be frustrated by non-responsive friends. i didn't know that men also ditched their friends for their new amour - interesting, but not acceptable. hopefully best friend will soon come to his senses and act like a proper friend.
i understand the impulse to avoid complaining, though. even in down times i realize how completely lucky and privleged i am, which is good in that its perspective building, but its not good when i don't honor where i am emotionally. sometimes its the ick times that we need to prompt breakthroughs, you know?
ok, not to get all new agey or something ...
and yes, i teach -- university students in a communications department. i am also a graduate students. its a good life.
the wolf in the cartoon that lil butch is watching!!! is a HUSKEY from clutch cargo... i just remembered that one.
i understand the impulse to avoid complaining, though. even in down times i realize how completely lucky and privleged i am, which is good in that its perspective building, but its not good when i don't honor where i am emotionally. sometimes its the ick times that we need to prompt breakthroughs, you know?
ok, not to get all new agey or something ...
and yes, i teach -- university students in a communications department. i am also a graduate students. its a good life.