Okay, I'm working at home today (which means I'm not getting much work done) and I have CNN on in the background, and they are doing this story about a soldier who just came back from Iraq and surprised his six-year old boy at school. It's like the sweetest thing ever... watching this kid start crying because his dad is back.
Makes me think about my dad... and how I wish things were better between us.
Makes me think about my dad... and how I wish things were better between us.
awww cute story, I hate how things are between me and many of my family members, I have a habit of being a bitch and standing my ground about certain things I wouldn't/won't tolerate from people, my family seems to think just because they're family they get a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want. so I end up flipping out/saying shit/not taking it back...whatever but it makes it tough, cuz sometimes I want to put it behind me & I feel like they can't or won't. I dunno.