The last week has not been good. To update from my last journal, "Bob" has been in and out of intensive care all week, and now he's being moved to hospice. I didn't know exactly what that meant at the time, so I said, "Great! Then he's doing better?" But that, unfortunately, is not how it works. He's being moved to hospice so he can die in a more peaceful setting, surrounded by loved ones instead of in a hospital room. He did regain consciousness long enough this week to express his wishes for a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) that was an ordeal in itself involving hospital administrators and a notary... they had to be sure he was aware of what he was doing, being all drugged up and such. He's not expected to live out the week, the doctors felt that his internal organs are so damaged that further surgery at this point would be futile.
I'm off work this week, it was supposed to be a vacation. Now it looks like it may be a funeral. The worst moment was hearing Joe (who lost his dad at 5, and has lost too many other people since) burst into tears, sobbing, "everyone I love dies".
I just got an e-mail from another friend, his sister died this weekend. She was only in her 30s. Died in her sleep from heart failure. She was quite an amazing girl: she was absolutely beautiful and had just finished her PhD. So much potential... lost in the night. This is not a happy 4th of July week.
I'm off work this week, it was supposed to be a vacation. Now it looks like it may be funerals.
I'm off work this week, it was supposed to be a vacation. Now it looks like it may be a funeral. The worst moment was hearing Joe (who lost his dad at 5, and has lost too many other people since) burst into tears, sobbing, "everyone I love dies".
I just got an e-mail from another friend, his sister died this weekend. She was only in her 30s. Died in her sleep from heart failure. She was quite an amazing girl: she was absolutely beautiful and had just finished her PhD. So much potential... lost in the night. This is not a happy 4th of July week.
I'm off work this week, it was supposed to be a vacation. Now it looks like it may be funerals.
hospices are so sad, but i guess they are better than dying in a cold hospital bed
whoever this person is, i hope he had a good life and that you get a chance to say goodbye