Okay... I'm in a manager's meeting today and we're talking about the employee coffee pot in the kitchen. It's rank. One of the managers says, "Oh, Jane said she would clean it." (Jane is the office admin.)
My boss, also his boss--and coincidentally a woman--says, "She did?"
He replied, "Yeah, she said she likes to clean. I'll tell you, she's going to make someone a good wife someday."
*My* jaw almost hit the table... but you should have seen the look on my boss' face...
My boss, also his boss--and coincidentally a woman--says, "She did?"
He replied, "Yeah, she said she likes to clean. I'll tell you, she's going to make someone a good wife someday."

*My* jaw almost hit the table... but you should have seen the look on my boss' face...
Anyway, thank you for the comment on my set.