Be aware! There are Angels which walk among us. Either by their own villainy or by our blessedness, I know not. So I admonish thee. Be Aware!
More Blogs
Sunday May 28, 2006
Is it like only me? Am I like truly the only person in the universe w… -
Sunday May 21, 2006
Oh whoa freak out. I just lost my entry. I was going on and on about … -
Sunday May 07, 2006
So much has happened and not all of it good, but somehow for the best… -
Wednesday Dec 14, 2005
Just got my life back. The final was last night and I managed to hang… -
Saturday Nov 26, 2005
Naked women are inspiring. -
Thursday Nov 24, 2005
wow. i feel somehow inflamed. Not quite on fire but inflamed. My offi… -
Saturday Oct 29, 2005
This place is becoming an every day touch stone. I wouldn't go so far…