Be aware! There are Angels which walk among us. Either by their own villainy or by our blessedness, I know not. So I admonish thee. Be Aware!
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Sunday Jan 01, 2012
L - O - V - E -
Friday May 20, 2011
PROLOGUE: WHEN SEX IS NOT THE ISSUE... He matches the grinding of h… -
Thursday Apr 23, 2009
do you know from the kisses of butterflies? the taste of rain from t… -
Sunday Oct 05, 2008
Amber Eyes Mists low and silently parting before, then embracing m… -
Wednesday Jul 09, 2008
Abandon all fear. The time is now! Okay, so let's see how far this ge… -
Tuesday Apr 15, 2008
I used to live here. Sort of. What's happened? I thought: "Oh, it wil… -
Saturday Sep 29, 2007
Too many ideas and not enough discipline--just yet. I'm working on it… -
Saturday Mar 03, 2007
Wow. The fuck have I been? What got so important or so consuming that… -
Monday Jan 01, 2007
Be aware! There are Angels which walk among us. Either by their own v… -
Friday Jun 30, 2006
Now, I know what I love the absolute best about SG! It's ALL the girl…