I hope everybody had a fantastic weekend. Some of you requested a pic of the new car so I put a couple in my pictures
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Monday Oct 03, 2005
"Sacrifice is the only true measure of generosity." -
Saturday Aug 20, 2005
To all my friends I am sorry I have not been around for a while. I h… -
Saturday Jul 23, 2005
I am back in my old haunting grounds of Orlando. It is good to be in… -
Monday Jul 18, 2005
5 Cities down 3 to go. I am leaving Ft Lauderdale where I thought I … -
Tuesday Jul 05, 2005
Joke of the day A successful rancher died and left everything… -
Wednesday Jun 29, 2005
Here I am in the wonderful city of Pittsburgh. If anybody knoiws of … -
Friday Jun 17, 2005
"Dream as if you'll live forever, and live as if you'll die tomorrow" -
Friday Jun 10, 2005
My time at home or not on the road has once again come and gone. I a… -
Wednesday Jun 01, 2005
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't m…
Thanks for having a shot for me though, honey...you're the bestest!