It's true, i'm still alive...and eating!

The warm glow of Spring...and beer.

This was the best Truck-Stop inspired lunch I've had in quite some time.
(The Whipped Cream was REAL!)

A. made me a tasty bean soup and open-faced grilled cheeses! She's a keeper.

Biscuits, blue and bacon for a bad-ass breakfast!

The warm glow of Spring...and beer.

This was the best Truck-Stop inspired lunch I've had in quite some time.
(The Whipped Cream was REAL!)

A. made me a tasty bean soup and open-faced grilled cheeses! She's a keeper.

Biscuits, blue and bacon for a bad-ass breakfast!
And yeah, the last page and a half wasn't too bad. The thing that gets me about Philosophy papers is starting them. I always feel like I don't know what to say then I start somewhere and I say too much. It's nice though. I can then just slice away things. haha.