WOW! look at this! I am actually updating! LOL Ok, heres whats happening in my neck of the woods! <--Al Roker says that I got bee stings all over me! 11 to be exact! I was mowing the neighbors yard, (they have been gone for a while, and it is grown over pretty bad) and I ran over a yellowjacket nest! so after getting stung 5 times there, i went and got diesel fuel and poured down the hole and started burning it! Well much to my surprise, the little fuckers had another hole 4 ft away, and decided to attack me from the rear flanks! Now i am stung 6 times more! So i pour more diesel fuel down that hole and try to burn the evil little buzzing creatures back to pandoras box, but nooooooooo! They won't die! It's like these mutherfoccers are wearing suits of armour or something! So i am stitting here all swollen up, fever, headache, and sore all over, because the little bitches even stung me in the buttocks! <-- I learned that word from the" Forrest Gump" movie! So I am going to take some more benedril and try to sleep for a few minutes! It kinda sucks because, I got stings all over my body, so no matter what position i sleep in, I hurt!
Maybe i should sleep in the bathtub full of cold water? Thats an idea!

Oh, and you have not updated this in a long time and these are some old bee stings....they should be better by now I hope!