Woohoo! Rain! We finally got rain! We have been in a drought down here in Florida, for a long time! I was walking in the yard just last week, and the grass was so dry it was crunching under my feet! It was 98 degrees that day and the sand was burning the bottom of my feet! Thats pretty hot stuff there! This morning i went outside after the rain, and took a walk! The treefrogs were singing happily, the birds were joining in! Squirrels were scampering up and down the trees, The grass was starting to get some color back into it! It was a whole lot cooler outside! The world just seemed to be much happier! It is amazing how nature works, and how it bounces back from its own delema! I have a family of hawks that just moved into the woods next to my place, and it is fun to just sit and watch them soar! They are not afraid of me either! I watched as one landed in a tree above my head, and i got a beautiful look at it! It couldn't have been more than 100yards away? Nature is beautiful! I think sometimes we get to tied up in this fast paced, gimme gimme, run here and run there world, to take the time to sit and enjoy it! ~~~~,~~,`< THE GATOR

you are awesome!!!!!!

btw.. waaay tmi now that i read that a second time lol