Hello again everyone!
I am back with a vengance! Ha! Gonna tear up the SG territory again! Sorry I have been gone for so long, but i was going through a hard time in my life, and also was living in my van for a while! R.I.P. "Gatorvan"! Went to the big graveyard in the sky several weeks ago! Anyway! On a lighter note, I...
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I am back with a vengance! Ha! Gonna tear up the SG territory again! Sorry I have been gone for so long, but i was going through a hard time in my life, and also was living in my van for a while! R.I.P. "Gatorvan"! Went to the big graveyard in the sky several weeks ago! Anyway! On a lighter note, I...
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Glad to know you're doing great, Gator!
Sup? It's Da Gator here! I took some pics here in a service plaza, in Ohio today! here I am with the Big Truck touring the country! I am on my way to Minnesota here, and Just Came from New Jersey! Will be back home in Florida for Memorial Day weekend, for a Beachparty that my friend Mikhail is setting up! Can't wait! Sirlionheart and...
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Your a nut!!!! Hope your doing well and you get back soon so we can play guitar in the parking lot again soon!!!!
How is everything? Er, are you here now? Cause that's an old entry of sorts?
Anyway, say hello to me damn it or no more skittles for you!
How is everything? Er, are you here now? Cause that's an old entry of sorts?
Anyway, say hello to me damn it or no more skittles for you!

HAPPY Birthday
Ok! Remember in my last entry where i said things were bad, and to always have a positive outlook? Well just after that, I lost my Dad, and I had to go up to Ohio for the funeral and all! But i still kept the faith, and when i got back here to Florida, i put in an application at this trucking company in the...
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Would it be way too cliche to say "Keep on truckin"...?
Great to know you're doing OK...

Great to know you're doing OK...
We miss you Gator
Good luck in your new job
Good luck in your new job
Hey there everyone! Sorry for the late updates, but my life has been a turmoil lately! I am currently living at a Truckstop in my van, but thank goodness for WiFi internet in this truckstop, and no matter how bad things get, i will not sell my laptop! I think i would have to die first! lol I have to laugh and be in good...
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I really miss you Gator.

You're gonna be just fine dude. We miss ya.
WOW! look at this! I am actually updating! LOL Ok, heres whats happening in my neck of the woods! <--Al Roker says that I got bee stings all over me! 11 to be exact! I was mowing the neighbors yard, (they have been gone for a while, and it is grown over pretty bad) and I ran over a yellowjacket nest! so after getting...
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happy new years!!
Owww..I'm sorry about your bee stings..and I hope your better soon. Maybe I'll see you around when you feel better. You can play some more guitar and I'll try to sing pathetically for you!!!!
Oh, and you have not updated this in a long time and these are some old bee stings....they should be better by now I hope!
Oh, and you have not updated this in a long time and these are some old bee stings....they should be better by now I hope!

Hey there eveyone! I am heading down to Tampa, Fl. again to party with my friends! Going to Guavaween, which is a big halloween party in ybor city! Gonna have fun! I prolly won't be getting too krunked since I will prolly be driving home afterwards, and it is over an hour drive home, but I will have fun checking out all of the other...
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Cell phones aren't pirate like! haha jk 


I am going to Ohio tomorrow to see my Dad! Wooohooo! I am gonna surprise him, and he doesn't know I am coming!
He is in a nursing home up there, and my sister is taking him out on weekends and stuff, so this will really make is day to see me! I will be back next week, and will catch up to all of...
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Good luck for you on your trip!
Hope your trip was good!

Hey Everyone! Sorry I haven't updated before this, I just got alot of stuff going on since the hurricanes here and stuff! Cleaning up the yard, fixing the roof! Blah blah blah! Mother nature has shure been on the rag lately, and Florida seems to be the trashcan that accumulates the jelly rolls! LMFAO Anyway, now that i grossed everyone out, life here as been...
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Doh! I seem to be double-posting all over the place these days. Don't know why...
[Edited on Oct 05, 2004 10:14PM]

[Edited on Oct 05, 2004 10:14PM]
Glad you got through it all ok. Time to relax and have some fun now! have a great weekend
Looks like i am right in the path of this hurricane that is going to hit Florida!However I am far enough inland that I think damage will be minimal when it arrives here, so I am going to stay in this area and ride it out! I have a "safe haven" that is close if needed! Wish me luck! ~~~~,~~,`< THE GATOR
Looks like i am right in the path of this hurricane that is going to hit Florida!However I am far enough inland that I think damage will be minimal when it arrives here, so I am going to stay in this area and ride it out! I have a "safe haven" that is close if needed! Wish me luck! ~~~~,~~,`< THE GATOR

OK! I am ok! The hurricane left limbs all over the place, I am still cleaning it all up! I was without power for 6 days, 2 hrs. Food from the refridgerator, and freezer got buried in the back yard, and thanks to FEMA and the Red Cross I got some water, and a few hot meals when it was safe to go into town! That was the most horrifying thing I have ever gone through, and I never wanna do it again!
I am a big dood, but hurricanes scare the shit out of me now! Its freaky listening to limbs crack and things fly off your house, and roof for hours on end, and then the power goes off, and your stuck with a flashlight in the dark, wondering if the door is gonna pop open, or the windows, or roof may come off, and you might get sucked out or something! Then you fumble around the house for several days looking for batteries to your radio, and flashlights! Then it is so humid at night you can't sleep! Your clothes were all wet, sweaty, and smelly! I took showers under the downspout in my swimming trunks, and washed my clothes in my bathtub I had filled with water before the storm! I flushed the toilet with water from an empty garbage can i stuck under another downspout, bringing it in one bucket at a time! It felt like little house on the prarie for a few days! Now the chainsaws still echo outside in the mornings! But it did one thing tho, and I wouldn't trade this for the world............. It actually brought neighbors together! People were checking on each other to see if everyone was alright, and some were helping others with canned food, and those who had propane stoves, or grills were letting others use them to cook food before it went bad, and actually sharing food with one another! I saw the neighbor kids making things with play dough and plastic forks, knives, and spoons, instead of playing video games! Wow! They actually got creative! We actually all got together at someones house and played guitar and sang folk songs, and actually talked to each other! It was amazing! We actually all got a break from the fast paced world and got to know each other better! What a concept! ~~~~,~~,`< THE GATOR

Hope everything's ok; update already

Hope everything's ok; update already

More upbeat now! I love my online freinds! They help pull me out of slump!
Well not only my online friends, but I had a talk with my Dad on the phone about an hour ago, so that made my day! It's kind of sad tho, because he misses me alot and always ends up crying! He was always a very strong man who never...
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Well not only my online friends, but I had a talk with my Dad on the phone about an hour ago, so that made my day! It's kind of sad tho, because he misses me alot and always ends up crying! He was always a very strong man who never...
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Glad things are looking up, and you're closer with your father now. There are so many things I'd like to thank my father for.
I'm glad you're feeling better.