So does anyone here have a trade?
If so, what is it? How do you find it?
Females, is it particularly difficult?
I've been considering getting a qualification in something. I'm tossing up between a few things, carpentry, landscaping, electrician...
If so, what is it? How do you find it?
Females, is it particularly difficult?
I've been considering getting a qualification in something. I'm tossing up between a few things, carpentry, landscaping, electrician...
My friend loved her jewellery. She was particularly impressed by the quality of the workmanship because she used to make her own and she recognises the skill and care that went into the pieces.
Here in WA if you're a skilled (or even largely unskilled but able to walk upright without dragging your knuckles too much) worker you can pretty much walk into a job anywhere and be on excellent money.
Carpentry is a sure thing as most chippies can go from housing, to furniture to cabinet fitting almost at will. (Which is good, because it's usually done indoors in new homes with aircon.) Plus, in carpentry you don't have to worry about electrocuting yourself. And have you ever tried to get mate's rates off an electrician? It can't be done - because sparkies don't have friends.
The only draw back is carpentry leads to marijuana use....or it might be that marijuana leads to carpentry...I forget, but the point is, I have a wicked bookshelf to keep my albums on now.