What you may read is a serious amount of ranting on my part that originated from a relatively innocent question regarding change in your life.

the question: "Describe a significant change event you experienced (going from high school to college, going from college to the workforce, changing jobs, etc.) How did you prepare for the change? What "fears" did you encounter and how did you...
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So finally we get the first snow of the year here in Indy, and I love it. Winter and fall are my favorite seasons. I love the cold, and I love the snow. However, there is something I don't love and no I haven't been diagnosed with it. However I wonder if I should look into it. Even though I have no more reason to...
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I've felt more alone in some relationships than when I've been by myself. Not sure what that says about me though. smile
Most def the next best thing. We should dominate an island where the SG community unite and live happily ever after in organised chaos.
ok so I'm durnk as fuck right now...who gives a fuck...it's how I deal with shit in my lonely ass life full o stress...it's fun...it's relatively relaxing and I don't give a fuck...other then that shit's alright I suppose. Doing ok grad wise in my courses and playing WotLK.
Drunk rules.........till the next day blackeyed
World of Warcraft's new expansion comes out tomorrow at midnight. That will be pretty bad ass. Especially with the discount I get for working at Game Stop. Other then that I'm just keeping up with school and trying not to go insane. Been hard to get to know people since I lived in Indianapolis for some reason.

However, on a good note I should be...
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Happy about Obama. Hope he can do half the shit he says he can. That's why I voted for him after all. Still looking around for a potential girlfriend type person. Nerding it up with Resistance 2 and will probably pick up Gears of War 2 on Thursday. It's just bad ass that I got this job at Gamestop now so I can get the...
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Vista works for me too.

I need $ to spend on video games so i can buy those also. How is Resistance 2?
So ya I voted today. I drove an hour to Lafayette specifically to vote actually. Not before sleeping in today though. Been a hectic week and I needed to play catch up a little on the sleep before driving around. I tend to get super sleepy when I'm already tired and driving. I get hypnotized by the road and just kinda wanna crash. Home now...
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School sucks, Crazy busy all the time, still single which is lame, bday is coming up, yay for free shit.
Ya, soooo. Where to start off. Well I said I was going to an MSI concert. I did. It was fuckin' awesome and I did meet some interesting people. All kinds of awesome deviate people. Wish I could hang out/meet people like that all the time in my day to day life. Alas, I'm stuck with what I have. That of course being lots and...
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I've started going to IUPUI in Indianapolis and with that and job hunting like crazy things have been hectic. I'm definitely stressed out about money since I don't have a job yet. Hopefully I can get one soon. Here's hoping. Oh well at least I'll be seeing Mindless Self Indulgence tomorrow. Cheap tickets and who knows maybe I'll meet some interesting people. That's always fun. biggrin
I fucking love Mindless Self Indulgence.
Moving this week to Indianapolis. I got a new studio apartment in Castleton, a car, and just trying to get everything wrapped up before classes start next week, and bam out of no where a bomb shell drops into my lap. Not the bad kind though. Bomb shell as in a babe, a new lady as it were. She's a couple years older, and very...
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