Why hello everyone, and welcome to another day in the life of me. So as it turns out: I not unlike my father or my grandfather before him happen to like drinking. A lot, and I'm good at it. So it should come as no surprise that the winter holiday season is one of the best times of year for me. There are a lot of parties and events, most if not all of which are related to drinking at least when it comes to my family and friends. Lucky for me, since alcoholism excels in my family tree I have a good time and manage to not black out or vomit...most of the time....well honestly I've never vomited from alcohol, but to be honest a couple times I've wanted to just to be safe. Ironically I believe my body no longer remembers how to vomit. It's been roughly 8 years since the last time I puked, and yes I've stuck my finger down my throat to try and convince my body of otherwise. On the attempts in which I did that my body acted like it wanted to then kinda stalled out like it didn't know how to follow through. Although I'm not immune to blacking out; it is an infrequent occurrence.
I have found in Indy that I have a love of the bar scene. One bar in particular comes to mind; the Melody Inn. I love going to that freekin' place. It has such a great atmosphere and laid back people. They have live bands, a bear garden, and a sort of back room thing. I like to go to events there and meet people. Recently I've been meeting lots of female friends in particular which is a bit odd for me in some ways. I have lots of guy friends, but typically woman in my life I get to know mostly because I want to date them or I'm interested in them. It's not been my prerogative mind you; it just sort of happens. That hasn't been the case as much since I moved to Indy. I've been making more female friends that are in fact just friends then guy friends, and I'm still fuckin single. I think it's kinda funny. I can handle being alone but I do hope get a girlfriend before long. I mean, I'm a patient guy in general, but my libido...ya...it's kinda nuts....it sucks. I think the only reason I'm not a total man slut is because my will power. It's one of the few things that can over power my sex drive, but that's probably no surprise to most people. I mean, I am male.
Tonight, or rather yesterday night...and part of this morning. I went to the Melody Inn for lounge night. It was the first time I'd been to lounge night, and I have to admit it was pretty fun. The Leisure Kings played there and they were very good. They were very funny. In any case met some new people. I met this guy named Austin and a friend of his named Sarah. Apparently, they're into some BDSM shit. Not together mind you but in general and I overheard this and started talking to them about it. They told me about this club they're more or less sort of starting were interesting, attractive, young type people that are interested in BDSM are meeting. I thought it sounded pretty bad ass and got involved. So hopefully that will be a fund and enjoyable experience.
Other then that and things like it not to much going I suppose. Saturday night I went to the Melody as well although it wasn't my original plan for the evening. I was meeting up with a chic friend pretty much half way between our two homes. She left early because she didn't feel very well and I stayed behind and hung out with another chic friend that just happened to be there the same night. There was an after party which, me being a nerd, I haven't been to many of those and I was invited. It was interesting and in a different location. There was also some cocaine. Maybe I'm just young or maybe I just haven't met "the wrong people" but I hadn't seen people do cocaine before. So to me I was like, "whoa, that's interesting". I was offered but I wasn't interested in trying it. Not that I'm against living a little and drug use...at least for the most part, but I'm a pretty fucked up guy as it is, on lots of meds, drunk at the time, and I already more energy then anyone else I know. So, doing cocaine sounded like a bad idea in my particular case. They did have nice weed though.
I thought it was kind of funny when everyone started going to sleep though, including the people doing the cocaine. I was thinking to myself, "heh isn't cocaine supposed to make you really hyper or something". So around 5 in the morning I'm probably 1 of only 2 people still awake and I've sobered up pretty well. I drive home with no incident and crash (I mean sleep when I say that). Oh, and also at some point I was up for like 36 hours strait and during that time I had like one cup of coffee. *woosh* That ladies and gentlemen just about wraps up my holiday season.
BTW: Guitar Hero World Tour....so fun.
I have found in Indy that I have a love of the bar scene. One bar in particular comes to mind; the Melody Inn. I love going to that freekin' place. It has such a great atmosphere and laid back people. They have live bands, a bear garden, and a sort of back room thing. I like to go to events there and meet people. Recently I've been meeting lots of female friends in particular which is a bit odd for me in some ways. I have lots of guy friends, but typically woman in my life I get to know mostly because I want to date them or I'm interested in them. It's not been my prerogative mind you; it just sort of happens. That hasn't been the case as much since I moved to Indy. I've been making more female friends that are in fact just friends then guy friends, and I'm still fuckin single. I think it's kinda funny. I can handle being alone but I do hope get a girlfriend before long. I mean, I'm a patient guy in general, but my libido...ya...it's kinda nuts....it sucks. I think the only reason I'm not a total man slut is because my will power. It's one of the few things that can over power my sex drive, but that's probably no surprise to most people. I mean, I am male.
Tonight, or rather yesterday night...and part of this morning. I went to the Melody Inn for lounge night. It was the first time I'd been to lounge night, and I have to admit it was pretty fun. The Leisure Kings played there and they were very good. They were very funny. In any case met some new people. I met this guy named Austin and a friend of his named Sarah. Apparently, they're into some BDSM shit. Not together mind you but in general and I overheard this and started talking to them about it. They told me about this club they're more or less sort of starting were interesting, attractive, young type people that are interested in BDSM are meeting. I thought it sounded pretty bad ass and got involved. So hopefully that will be a fund and enjoyable experience.
Other then that and things like it not to much going I suppose. Saturday night I went to the Melody as well although it wasn't my original plan for the evening. I was meeting up with a chic friend pretty much half way between our two homes. She left early because she didn't feel very well and I stayed behind and hung out with another chic friend that just happened to be there the same night. There was an after party which, me being a nerd, I haven't been to many of those and I was invited. It was interesting and in a different location. There was also some cocaine. Maybe I'm just young or maybe I just haven't met "the wrong people" but I hadn't seen people do cocaine before. So to me I was like, "whoa, that's interesting". I was offered but I wasn't interested in trying it. Not that I'm against living a little and drug use...at least for the most part, but I'm a pretty fucked up guy as it is, on lots of meds, drunk at the time, and I already more energy then anyone else I know. So, doing cocaine sounded like a bad idea in my particular case. They did have nice weed though.

BTW: Guitar Hero World Tour....so fun.