So ya I voted today. I drove an hour to Lafayette specifically to vote actually. Not before sleeping in today though. Been a hectic week and I needed to play catch up a little on the sleep before driving around. I tend to get super sleepy when I'm already tired and driving. I get hypnotized by the road and just kinda wanna crash. Home now though, and I got Resistance 2. Just need to do some homework, that's what I'm doing now....kind of....I procrastinate a lot during....I blame my ADHD....Plus I like just getting my thoughts out there and potentially meeting new and interesting people. That is of course why I write blog type shit on this site more then any other site. Suppose if I want people to check mine out I should probably check theirs out sometime. Curiosity begets curiosity I find. Perhaps I'll do that in a bit.
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 19, 2008
What you may read is a serious amount of ranting on my part that orig… -
Monday Nov 17, 2008
So finally we get the first snow of the year here in Indy, and I love… -
Saturday Nov 15, 2008
ok so I'm durnk as fuck right now...who gives a's how I dea… -
Tuesday Nov 11, 2008
World of Warcraft's new expansion comes out tomorrow at midnight. Tha… -
Wednesday Nov 05, 2008
Happy about Obama. Hope he can do half the shit he says he can. That… -
Tuesday Nov 04, 2008
So ya I voted today. I drove an hour to Lafayette specifically to vot… -
Tuesday Oct 14, 2008
School sucks, Crazy busy all the time, still single which is lame, bd… -
Tuesday Oct 07, 2008
Ya, soooo. Where to start off. Well I said I was going to an MSI conc… -
Monday Sep 22, 2008
I've started going to IUPUI in Indianapolis and with that and job hun… -
Sunday Aug 10, 2008
Moving this week to Indianapolis. I got a new studio apartment in Cas…