Well back in Brookville, PA tonight. The snow and ice are really bad and I decided that since my trailer was fishtailing and I kept loosing traction on my axles, it was a good place to call it a night.
I also saw 5 accidents in about a 20 mile stretch of I-80 up here.....2 big trucks and 3 4-wheelers, so that was also my reason, lol. The load I have is gonna be late, since I am supposed to be in Twinsburg, OH by 0700 in the morning, but my life is worth more than their freight.
I also saw 5 accidents in about a 20 mile stretch of I-80 up here.....2 big trucks and 3 4-wheelers, so that was also my reason, lol. The load I have is gonna be late, since I am supposed to be in Twinsburg, OH by 0700 in the morning, but my life is worth more than their freight.

do you get in 'trouble' if you don;t make the delivery on time?
I always wondered that about drivers.....
It's best to play it safe in the snow and ice. You'll get there when you get there. And this is coming from someone who takes a lot of deliveries all over the east coast, as I'm the one usually waiting for the truck drivers. But I'll wait if it means the driver arrived safely.
The six-pack thing is just a bunch a single bottles of beer on a shelf from all different breweries, and you get to choose which ones you want to make up your individualized six-pack. It's pretty cool.