Why is it so hard for me to meet a girl who doesn't just use me?
A few weeks ago a sign showed up on a tree next to a major road I drive by daily, it was two red hearts wrapped into each other on a white board. Seeing it brought something nice to my day, a little cheer and warm. Well recently it disappeared and now the tree on the side of the road looks empty. It left as...
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Finally got around to getting a bunch of chores done around my apartment, I think tomorrow I'll go ride for a bit and enjoy the sun
Had a nice wake up call at work this morning when a hot wire got crossed, sending chunks of molten copper and flashes of electricity through the air. Luckly no one got hurt, the guy handling the wires jumped back before anything could hit him and I was far enough a way I only had to step back.
The weekend comes to an end way to quick, off to another week of work
Hello friends, I've have been gone for some time now due to a move but I'm all settled in and am back!
So I don't have the money to keep my account going right now. Trying to get my bills in order and I'm cutting back on unneeded expenses. I do plan on returning but I'm not sure when I'll be fully back on my feet, if anyone would like to keep in contact with me outside of the site let me know and we'll exchange info.
Planning another trip up into the mountains, this time the hike leads up to some small waterfalls and cliff jumping, there is a 20 foot, 40 foot, and 90 foot jump. I think I can manage the first 2, but my fear of heights may stop the last one from happening, going to try anyway.
Sounds like fun. I hope you get to do it soon. If you do, then take lots of pictures. I happen to live in the mountains near a State Park so it is not as exciting to me as it would be for others.
ohh i've always wanted to go cliff diving! it sounds like so much fun! i'm really jealous!! hope you're doing good xoxo!
Had a nice day out in the mountains, swam in the ponds so now I smell like fish, think I'll take a shower after I post this. My friend took a bunch of picture on the first half of the hike I'd love to share! ....but his phone took a dip in the water so we may never get to see them, I still have...
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these pictures are you beautiful!
Life has been kinda stressful lately but finally moving forward again. Starting solid planning for my move out of Colorado, the tattoo shop has finally evened out and we're starting to bring customers in that we don't personally know and tomorrow I'm getting out of the city for a bit to do some hiking. The place I'm going to hike is in a valley coming...
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Awesome dude! Good luck with everthing!
Awesome! Good luck with everything! 

Arg, its been one of those weeks. Drama and bullshit abound. But there is always a silver lining, something good happened.
I hope you're taking care of yourself and not being too kind. By that I mean, don't let girls walk on you. <3