after a pretty reckless night, I was woken up at 4 am by a tweakhead and joe. Joe fell asleep right away, so I was stuck listening to the tweeker mutter stuff and then say, "huh?" like I was supposed to know what he was talking about.
that dick, he passed out after a while so I got to sleep
today I got up at noon and went to the shop, ate ice cream and saw the final matrix.
I'm a big fan of the series, so I loved it, better than the second one by far. Sure not as much action maybe, but they made up for it, definitley.
lets see what fun happens tonight.
that dick, he passed out after a while so I got to sleep
today I got up at noon and went to the shop, ate ice cream and saw the final matrix.
I'm a big fan of the series, so I loved it, better than the second one by far. Sure not as much action maybe, but they made up for it, definitley.
lets see what fun happens tonight.

where the fuck is my ice cream?