So what's new??
Lately my life feels like it revolves around two things, and surprisingly, happily, neither is sex at the moment. My life consists of work and Randi. Yes folks, I've been talking to Randi again now that she got her very own cell phone. I really missed that girl, even during my whorish phase. I actually cried the other night just because I missed her...scared the shit outta her and she ended up calling AJ (my best friend) and telling him to call me. It was sweet of her, but ended up worrying him too. I guess there really are people that care about me. My mom, AJ and Randi come to mind first, but I'm sure there's more, at least I hope so.
Anyway, on to work...I've been training ALOT at the front desk lately. Greg (the front desk manager) has given me tons of hours, like 20/wk at the front I'm just overloaded with information right now. But I think I'm doing a lot better...I can make and take reservations, I can do check ins, I can answer the phone...I'm learning so much down there, I love it. I'm not looking forward to starting my morning shifts, but I'll be working with Greg, so it'll be a really good learning experience.
Right now I'm talking with Meaghan and catching up and sort of having a heart to heart. It makes me feel really good to hear that she knows she treated me bad and that she's sorry for it. that she wishes she could change it. I don't really know if there's something left between us, but I'm happy that she apologized, it made me smile
I'm gonna go watch some SportsCenter...but I want to see comments people, even if it's short and mean. Like "Andrew, you've turned into such a whore" (trust me, I only say it cuz I've thought it myself)...I'll talk to y'all later.

Lately my life feels like it revolves around two things, and surprisingly, happily, neither is sex at the moment. My life consists of work and Randi. Yes folks, I've been talking to Randi again now that she got her very own cell phone. I really missed that girl, even during my whorish phase. I actually cried the other night just because I missed her...scared the shit outta her and she ended up calling AJ (my best friend) and telling him to call me. It was sweet of her, but ended up worrying him too. I guess there really are people that care about me. My mom, AJ and Randi come to mind first, but I'm sure there's more, at least I hope so.
Anyway, on to work...I've been training ALOT at the front desk lately. Greg (the front desk manager) has given me tons of hours, like 20/wk at the front I'm just overloaded with information right now. But I think I'm doing a lot better...I can make and take reservations, I can do check ins, I can answer the phone...I'm learning so much down there, I love it. I'm not looking forward to starting my morning shifts, but I'll be working with Greg, so it'll be a really good learning experience.
Right now I'm talking with Meaghan and catching up and sort of having a heart to heart. It makes me feel really good to hear that she knows she treated me bad and that she's sorry for it. that she wishes she could change it. I don't really know if there's something left between us, but I'm happy that she apologized, it made me smile

I'm gonna go watch some SportsCenter...but I want to see comments people, even if it's short and mean. Like "Andrew, you've turned into such a whore" (trust me, I only say it cuz I've thought it myself)...I'll talk to y'all later.


all ok?